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Or phone:    +31-614290289

ALL BLUE B.V. works directly from the factory and also through a dealer network. Contact us, to find out more. 

If you want to be a representative, contact us.

Antony Duyklaan
Rotterdam, ZH, 3051

0031 614290289

Lifting boats that's what we do! 
Durable and user-friendly products for private owner, governments and professionals.
We believe in standard high quality, sustainability and low environmental impact products.


The most important thing on a boatlift.

sea- drive.jpg

All standard boat lift systems are priced with the Sea-Drive transmission.

The Sea-drive is more compact, needs less maintenance and is very quit.
Last but not least, it also looks better and we have not received any in return.

4-post sea-drive boatlift installed in the structure of a boathouse.

4-post sea-drive boatlift installed in the structure of a boathouse.

Elevator boatlift with the Sea-drive transmission

Elevator boatlift with the Sea-drive transmission